torsdag 27 februari 2020


Efter att mina paraplyer varit i en slumrande tillvaro en tid, så var det dags att plocka fram några av dom.

Jag har vissa funderingar på att utveckla med kanske färggladare objekt än de du ser här. Vi får se . . .

/ Lars

1 kommentar:

Unknown sa...


What I'm going to tell you might sound kind of creepy, and maybe even kind of "out there"....

HOW would you like it if you could simply click "Play" to LISTEN to a short, "musical tone"...

And magically bring MORE MONEY into your life??

And I'm talking about hundreds... even thousands of dollars!!

Sounds way too EASY?? Think it's IMPOSSIBLE???

Well, Let me tell you the news.

Sometimes the most significant blessings life has to offer are the easiest to RECEIVE!!

Honestly, I will PROVE it to you by letting you listen to a real-life "miracle money-magnet tone" I developed...

You simply press "Play" and watch money coming right into your life... starting so fast, you will be surprised...

CLICK here to enjoy the magical "Miracle Money Tone" - as my gift to you!!

Helsingborg i svartvitt!!!

 De senaste åren har det hänt mycket i de centrala delarna av Helsingborg, ja hela tiden sen min flytt därifrån 1989 har mycket skett. Bland...